Friday, November 11, 2011

Thanks to the Veterans!

It's Veterans Day! The day that we should thank our Mom and Dad for serving their county and all of our other family and friends that are serving our country. I was going to send a care package to a friend of ours who is in Iraq but found out that his mail and internet has been closed off for a while. I hope that Jason is safe.

It is a beautiful day to rake leaves. So I think that is what I am going to do with my kids today. There are so many leave around town. We have friends that always save their leaves for us. It is definitely time.

We had a R.S. Meeting yesterday. I still call it homemaking. I will always call it homemaking because that is what it is to me. It was on Dehydrating food. It was really interesting. Did you know that you can make your own instant rice but cooking regular rice and then dehydrating it? I didn't. You could also dehydrate any leftovers you have and use them as emergency food. Like MRE's. Pretty interesting stuff.

All of us are pretty healthy and happy. Have a super Veterans Day and remember to Thank our Veterans!! :)

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